Detox Tea


A great tasting detox tea, traditional recipe with powerful health benefits!

  • DETOXIFIES and flushes out the liver, gallbladder, blood and digestive tract
  • CLEANSES the skin, increases urine flow and eases gas and indigestion
  • TASTES great, smells great and has great health benefits
  • PERFECT for day-to-day use or in conjunction with a detox program.

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Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Cardamom Seed, Ginger Root, Pau d’Arco Bark, Cinnamon Bark, Clove Bud, Fennel Seed, Licorice Root, Juniper Berry, Black Peppercorn, Uva Ursi Leaf, Horsetail Herb, Parsley Root, Orange Peel


Who Needs It?

Think of this detox tea as an all-purpose herbal tonic. It helps with overall health and wellbeing, while particularly helping to stimulate the stomach, liver and digestive functions of the pancreas.

Our Detox Tea has the added benefit of helping to cleanse the skin, and detoxify the liver, gallbladder and bloodstream. Many of my clients use it after taking the Liver Flush Drink that forms part of our 5-Day Liver Detox. This is because it stimulates the liver, encouraging the production of bile. It then flushes the bile away, along with fast that cause congestion to the liver and gallbladder.

Interestingly, keeping your liver in a healthy state can help with your heart health. One of the main functions of the liver is to balance the levels of fats and cholesterol in the blood. If there is too much fat in the blood, it can result in thick blood. This, in turn, raises blood pressure. Cleansing the liver can help it run better, rebalancing the fats and cholesterols in the blood, and improving your heart health. While our Detox Tea can definitely be used alone, and even taken every day as part of your health routine, you will see best results when using it as part of the 5-Day Liver Detox.

How it works:

  • DANDELION ROOT: is a herb that we all should respect, rather than cursing as we pull it out of our gardens and lawns! While it is often considered a ‘cure-all’ herb, it is perhaps most well-known for its role in liver health. Dandelion stimulates the liver, encouraging the production of bile. Dandelion is also a diuretic, to help the body to release excess fluids stored (which can often occur as a result of a poorly-functioning liver. In addition, dandelion is high in nutritive salts which purify the blood and help to alkalise it. It is thought that anaemia can actually arise due to a lack of these nutritive salts, which helps us to understand why it has been used for this condition for centuries. Dandelion has been used to benefit the stomach, pancreas and intestines; and to help with cases of constipation, fever, hypoglycaemia and insomnia.
  • BURDOCK ROOT: was considered by Dr. Christopher to be one of the best alterative and blood purifying herbs. Impure and toxic blood is responsible for more diseases than you may think. Burdock cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood very quickly. Since skin conditions are often one of the first signs that the blood is impure, use of Burdock has also been found to help with conditions such as boils, eczema, canker, acne and carbuncles. Burdock has also been used for congestion of the lymphatic system, which is, likewise, a common cause of illness and disease.
  • CARDAMON SEED: is a carminative herb which is said to help with indigestion, muscle cramps, gas and bloating. They give a warming feeling to the body. Cardamon has been used since the time of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. It has been used in India to treat conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, kidney stones, and by the Chinese for urinary incontinence and as a general herbal tonic.
  • GINGER ROOT: helps to encourage good digestion. Ginger has also been used for conditions such as muscle cramps, colds and flus, stomach pain, nausea—including morning sickness and motion sickness—bronchitis and pneumonia. It is a stimulant herb, yet is far milder than cayenne. It travels through the venous structure, to the heart and back again—and though not as strong as cayenne, it diffuses more widely around the body. Ginger has anti-bacterial properties. Perhaps one reason it promotes good digestion is that it kills bad bacteria in the intestines while encouraging the growth of good bacteria.
  • PAU D’ARCO BARK: is an immune stimulant, helping with overall health and wellbeing. It was used by the Incas, the other natives of South America as a cure-all, and continues to be used widely there today. In particular, it has been used for conditions such as fevers, dysentery, intestinal inflammation, particular cancers, and snake and insect bites. It possesses anti-biotic, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. As such, many use it for a range of bacterial, viral and fungal conditions, including candida overgrowth.
  • CINNAMON BARK: is a carminative herb, which has antiseptic properties. It can aid digestion, relieve flatulence and gas, and can help ease diarrhoea. Cinnamon is a very warming herb (perhaps due to its ability to increase circulation), which has been used to boost strength and improve the immune system—particularly with fighting against the common cold and relieving fevers. Many consider it to be a general tonic which will help with a range of physical ailments. It has also been used for anxiety and stress, persistent headaches, muscle pain and menstrual problems.
  • CLOVE BUD: is a stimulant herb which has been used to increase energy in the body, improving blood flow and increasing circulation. For this reason, it is often used with other herbs to enhance their healing power. They have been used to aid digestion, prevent nausea and vomiting, relieve flatulence and diarrhoea, improve digestion, and treat bronchial conditions.
  • FENNEL SEED: is yet another carminative and stimulant herb in this tea. Fennel is mild yet effective and has been used for flatulence, colic, indigestion, nervousness, and problems of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Fennel has a sweet taste, and can often mask the unpleasant taste of strong herbs.
  • LICORICE ROOT: is a highly soothing herb, which helps any damage and inflammation of the digestive tract to be soothed and begin healing. It lubricates the entire intestinal tract and stops or relieves stomach cramps. Licorice has been used since the times of ancient Egypt, with large amounts of the herb found in the tomb of King Tut. Like Fennel, Licorice has a naturally sweet and pleasant taste. In fact, glycyrrhizic acid which gives the herb its sweetness is fifty times sweeter than sugar, yet is safe for diabetics or hypoglycaemics to use. Licorice has been used for coughs, colds, flus, bronchial congestion, laryngitis and sore throats, pneumonia, peptic ulcers, menstrual cramps and adrenal gland health. It cleanses the blood and detoxifies the liver.
  • JUNIPER BERRY: is perhaps the most famous of the diuretic herbs. A pleasant tasting berry, Juniper eliminates congestion of the kidney, removing waste products, and strengthening and building the urinary tract, bladder, pancreas, adrenal glands and kidneys. It is said to act as a disease preventative; some of the most famous herbalists recommend that those, such as nurses, who are exposed to contagious diseases, chew six to ten of the berries each day, or drink Juniper berry tea.
  • BLACK PEPPERCORN: is a carminative and stimulant herb. It is good for constipation, and has been used to promote urinary health and aid digestion.
  • UVA URSI LEAF: is a diuretic herb with soothing tonic properties. It acts as an antiseptic and disinfectant. Uva Ursi has been used to heal the urinary tract, as it strengthens and tones the mucous membranes of the urinary passages. It is particularly good for bladder and kidney health—it stimulates and disinfects the mucous membranes of the kidneys.
  • HORSETAIL HERB: was one of Dr. Christopher’s favourite herbs. It is very high in silica, which the body converts into calcium, making it one of the best and most highly assimilable forms of organic calcium. In addition to this, Horsetail has been used for kidney stones, urinary tract inflammation, weak kidneys and bladder, digestive upsets and as a general tonic for overall health.
  • PARSLEY ROOT: is a diuretic which works well on the kidney and gallbladder, helping to remove gallstones and kidney stones. It helps with adrenal gland health, as well as health of the optic nerves, brain nerves and parasympathetic nervous system. It removes excess mucous, and reduces swollen glands. Parsley has traditionally been associated with urinary tract health, with many people using it to combat bladder infections.
  • ORANGE PEEL: contains a phyto-nutrient called limonene—in fact, around 90% of the peel is comprised of this compound. Limonene has been shown to stop early stages of cancer, as it stimulates the antioxidant detoxification enzyme system in the body, preventing cancer cells from growing. It also prevents the proteins of cancer cells from triggering abnormal cell growth. Orange peel also has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

How to Take it:

How to make Detox tea: put two tablespoons of herb in 550ml of distilled water. Let it soak overnight. In the morning, bring it to boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and drink the warm tea. If you are drinking more tea the next day, do not discard the used herbs. Instead, put them back in the pot and add one tablespoon of fresh herbs and 550ml of distilled water. Let it sit overnight and repeat the process. Used herbs last for three days, then discard and start over. If you wish to drink more or less tea each day, you can adjust the radio accordingly.


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